Coronavirus and face masks: –
Many countries are lifting bans on socializing as they fight the pandemic; however, cases continue to rise in the US. The CDC recommends people to cover their faces with reusable masks. Surgical masks and respirators are to be used by health professionals as they are critical medical supplies. On the other hand, general public must cover their faces with reusable masks in order to fight the pandemic effectively.
Who should wear face masks: –
Masks are to be worn by everyone who goes out in the public. You should cover your face whether you are in a park, workplace, market or anywhere around. Even if you are at home and have people who are not part of your family such as your friends or anybody else, wear a reusable cloth mask. Apart from this, health care workers who are working in hospitals should cover their faces with mask. If you show symptoms such as fever, cough or shortness of breath wear a mask even at home and isolate yourself. If you are looking after someone at home who is suffering from coronavirus, wear a mask when getting near to that person.
Benefits of reusable masks: –
Initially there was not much data to support the usefulness of face coverings. However now it is recommended by health professionals worldwide that covering face substantially reduces the risk of spreading the virus. Wearing a reusable mask essentially prevents asymptomatic patients from transferring the virus to others. Therefore it is every person’s social responsibility to wear a face mask.
Reusable face masks might not be as effective in controlling the virus as medical masks and respirators; however they do fulfill the purpose if everyone wears them. There are many benefits of reusable face masks. Firstly, they are easily available unlike the medical masks and respirators hat are normally short in supply. Reusable masks are also quite affordable. Apart from this, you can wash them thoroughly and reuse them. That means you do not have to buy them frequently such as disposable medical mask that are intended for single use. Apart from this, by using reusable mask you do not impact the supply of medical masks that are to be reserved for medical professionals who rightfully deserve the protective equipment. Another very important benefit is that these masks are environmental friendly. Before the pandemic the US was fighting the rising threat to environment and making efforts to reduce plastic waste. However as the coronavirus hit the country, the whole country got together to fight the pandemic. Single-use masks substantially increase the amount of waste that harms the environment. On the other hand, using reusable face masks limits the amount of contaminated plastic waste by as much as 66,000 tons annually. Using reusable face masks will save the world from deteriorating effects on the climatic change.
How to wear reusable mask: –
Every city or district in the US has its own guidelines as to how and where to wear the mask. In the New York, for instance people are required to wear the mask when they are out in the public. However when they are alone out of home such as walking by themselves, doing yoga or exercise in solitude they need not wear the mask. If a person is able maintain a distance of six feet he does not need to wear the mask.
When you wear the mask make sure your hands are clean. You must not touch your mask while putting it on. When you have worn it do not touch it or your face. It is recommended to wash the mask daily and not wear them unless they are totally dry.
Important precautionary measures to prevent coronavirus: –
Wearing mask alone should not be relied upon to protect against the deadly virus. Even if you buy reusable mask in bulk to wear, you must follow al the precautionary measures that control the spread of virus. Maintain a distance of six feet as much as possible. Do not leave home unnecessarily. Avoid going into crowded places. Try to opt for online shopping as much as possible to avoid contact with people. Most importantly, wash your hands regularly for at least twenty seconds.