Signs of Sleep Apnea:
Sleep apnea is a sleep disease in which you stop breathing over and over again while you sleep. There are some telltale signs, like snoring, grinding your teeth at night, night sweats, and many others.
Snoring is very common—more than 25 million Americans citizen have it. It leads to create health diseases, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. Snoring can cause your health suffers and cause quality of decrease in your life.
There Are A Few Signs That Show You Have Sleep Apnea:
Snoring is very common—more than 25 million Americans citizen have it. It leads to create health diseases, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. Snoring can cause your health suffers and cause quality of decrease in your life.
Bruxism (grinding your teeth) at Night:
People who clench or grind their teeth (called “bruxing”) while they sleep are more likely to have snoring disorders, like snoring or breathing pauses that could be signs of sleep apnea. Many research papers and health consultant have found that a higher-than-expected percentage of people have both OSA and sleep-related bruxism.
Night Sweats:
Night sleep can also be a sign of sleep apnea in both men and women. Some women credit their hot flashes at night to menopause, when actually snoring is the true culprit. In fact, snoring is more likely than menopause to cause hot flashes that only happen at night. Do you find yourself waking up sweaty during the night? During the night, do you keep taking your feet out from under the covers or take the covers off completely? If so, then snoring is high on the list.
Other Signs of Sleep Apnea:
- Wake up with a headache or pain in your jaw.
- Early morning with drool on your pillow or a dry mouth.
- Again, Sleep Apnea may be at play, excessive nighttime urination or nighttime heartburn